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Good Stewards of all that God has given us.


We are implementing this Pre-Authorized Giving (P.A.G.) Plan at the request of several of our Parishioners who use it elsewhere and find that it meets their needs and lifestyle. This plan is not for everyone, but we are making it available to those who would want to use it.

We respect that giving is a very personal decision, but hope that the convenience and efficiency it brings will encourage the parishioners of Prince of Peace Parish to support it. We look forward to your participation, and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Parish Office.

Cancellation of P.A.G. Agreement

You may stop PAG plan at any time by simply writing a letter with 30 days' notice to Prince of Peace Parish. If you would prefer to use a standardized cancellation form instead of writing a letter and your parish does not have one on hand (or for more information on your right to cancel your PAG agreement) please contact your financial institution or visit

If a withdrawal is not consistent with this PAG agreement, you have the right to receive reimbursement. For more information on all your recourse rights, please contact your financial institution or visit


If your bank reports an "NSF" in anymonth, we will be contacting you to reimburse the parish for the $5 fee which is being charged to the parish for each "NSF"